Grosse Fatigue

In times of Covid-19 lockdowns we consider video as an essential tool to experience art. This is one by Camille Henrot is certainly one of our favourites. Finally, we get to see it her work “Grosse Fatigue” (2013) thanks to MoMA.
Camille Henrot—Grosse Fatigue (2013)
Drawing on the Smithsonian Institute’s collection of scientific objects and the vast scope of the Internet, Camille Henrot uses the familiar setting of a computer desktop to narrate the origins of the universe. Set to a spoken-word poem, written in collaboration with the poet Jacob Bromberg, that draws from scientific theories, religious creation stories, and oral traditions, Grosse Fatigue features a rapid-fire choreography of pop-up windows with images drawn from a potentially limitless field of references.
(Courtesy of MoMA)